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【9月6日】【互联网与数字经济系列讲座】An Irrational Nobel Prize: Insights into Market Efficiency and Behavioral Finance

信息来源: 发布日期:2023-09-05

主讲人David McLean(美国乔治城大学)

讲座摘要In 2005, Robert Aumann was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for his "disagreement theorem," a prominent paper that posits if two individuals start with the same base information and later share their conclusions, those conclusions should be the same. In essence, it's irrational for them to "agree to disagree."Yet in 2013, Gene Fama and Robert Shiller, both of whom have analyzed the same financial market data for over four decades, were awarded the Nobel Prize alongside Lars Hansen. Despite their extensive shared research, Fama and Shiller have opposing views: Fama asserts that markets are efficient, while Shiller believes otherwise. Does this imply one of them is irrational? This lecture will delve into market efficiency, behavioral finance, and the scientific method, culminating in an exploration of who, if anyone, might be the irrational party.


线上会议:腾讯会议(会议号:899 220 945

主讲人简介:David McLean 教授是乔治城大学 McDonough 商学院教授,他的研究方向为资本市场的不完备性及其对资产价格与公司治理所产生的影响。McLean 教授在Journal of FinanceJournal of Empirical Finance Review of Financial Studies等国际知名期刊发表了大量文章,他的研究成果荣获了the Amundi Smith Breeden Award for the best paper in Journal of Financethe Jensen Prize for the best paper in the Journal of Financial Economicsthe Q-Group’s Roger Murray Prize for quantitative research in finance 等多个奖项。McLean教授还担任Management Science 等知名学术期刊的编委会成员。



撰稿:李东阳      排版:王昱洁

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