讲座摘要:Trust between parties should shape contract design: if parties were suspicious about each others’ reaction to unplanned events, they might pay higher negotiation costs to complete contracts ex-ante. Using a unique sample of U.S. consulting contracts, novel text-based-analysis measures of contract completeness, and a negative shock to trust between shareholders/managers (principals) and consultants (agents) staggered across space and over time, we find that lower trust increases contract completeness. Non-competes, details about equity compensation, indemnification, termination, and confidentiality clauses are added to contracts after trust drops.
主讲人简介:姚加权,暨南大学金融学教授,博导。西安交通大学信息工程学士和理论计量经济学硕士,新加坡南洋理工大学金融学博士,研究方向包括金融科技、数字经济、非结构化大数据计量经济学和自然语言处理,论文发表于Review of Financial Studies、Management Science、Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis、《管理世界》、《管理科学学报》等国内外权威期刊,以及计算机顶会WWW和KDD。担任International Journal of Finance Economics (ABS三星)副主编。指导的学生论文曾获第三届全国优秀金融硕士学位论文。
撰稿:刘航 排版:王昱洁
初审:孙宝文 复审:王立勇