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2024-06-25 23:22      


主讲人简介:其宏,美国俄克拉荷马大学经济学教授,2003年在纽约州立大学石溪分校获得经济学博士学位。他的主要研究领域是产业组织和应用微观经济学,目前的研究重点是平台和双边市场、航空公司及其定价问题。他的论文曾发表于Review of Economics and StatisticsStrategic Management JournalMarketing ScienceManagement ScienceEuropean Economic ReviewInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationJournal of Economics & Management StrategyJournal of Industrial Economics等国际知名期刊。他的研究得到了美国农业部的资助, BloombergForbesHarvard Business ReviewInsider Higher EdKellogg InsightMorningStar Wall Street Journal都对他的研究进行过报道。其宏教授担任Information Economics and Policy的副主编以及Marketing ScienceJournal of Media Economics的编委。于20222023担任中国留美经济学会的会长,现任China Economic Review的客座编辑。

题目:Platform and Digital Economy

讲座摘要:In this lecture we will focus on platforms which are playing an increasingly significant role in the economy. We will first highlight some underlying characteristics of platforms, followed by discussions of recent research on the platform economy. We will also raise a few issues pertaining to platforms. Further study of these issues are urgently needed for academics to better understand platforms and for regulators to make sound policy decisions.

时间:627日(星期四),上午 900-1030


题目:The Consumption of Advertising in the Digital Age-Attention and Ad Content

讲座摘要:This article studies the consumption of advertising when attention is costly. Our objective is to understand the advertiser’s optimal decision for informational and noninformational content when facing consumers with heavy distractions common in the digital age. We take an equilibrium approach in which an ad is consumed if and only if the content of the ad is worth the viewer’s attention. We classify many advertising decisions observed in practice. First, an advertiser can structure content to induce curiosity for continued viewing by showing the information that is relatively less likely to resonate with the broad audience. This tactic is evident in clickbait ads and “mystery ads.” Second, we find that digital ads, which tend to be skippable, have lower amounts of noninformational content (e.g., entertainment) relative to nonskippable ads. This finding can explain the industry perception that ads on digital media are of lower copy quality than traditional ads.

时间:628日(星期五),下午 1430-1600



此次讲座获“高等学校学科创新引智基地资助”(Supported by the 111 Center)B20094),特此致谢。

撰稿:尹振东      排版:张思域

初审孙宝文      复审王立勇